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Scientists in Tianjin University Find the Path to Ultra-high Energy Storage Technology

Tianjin university  2019/03/29

  With the rapid development of science and technology, ultra-high energy storage technology has become one of the important indicators of social progress. For example, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)s can have ultra-long flight times, pacemaker power can last for a lifetime, a bionic robot fish can travel tens of thousands of kilometers in the ocean are just a few of the potential applications. Recently, Professor Feng Wei of Tianjin University successfully developed ultra-high-energy fluorinated carbon materials, which has led to the improved performance of similar products both at home and abroad. The technology has been granted a number of Chinese and international patents, which is expected to make China the first to make a breakthrough in the field of ultra-high energy, the key technology to realizing ultra-energy storage.

  Scientists in Tianjin University Find the Path to Ultra-high Energy Storage Technology

  Fluorinated carbon is the solid-state cathode material with the highest theoretical energy density in the world. It has broad application prospects in the fields of electronic devices, biomedicine and equipment power supply. For a long time, developed countries in the west have regarded high-energy fluorocarbon preparation as a core technology, and it is strictly forbidden to export the technology and to discuss in open communication. The development of related fields in China lags far behind the developed countries such as the United States and Japan. The performance of the products is far lower than that of similar foreign products. For now, the widely used fluorinated carbon materials in China mainly rely on foreign imports, and the price is as high as 6-8 million yuan/ton, which seriously restricts related scientific research and industrial development in China.

  At present, the fluorinated carbon materials which dominate the international mainstream are facing difficulties in achieving both "high energy density" and "high power density", which has become a technical bottleneck restricting human usage in the era of ultra-high energy storage. Since 2008, Professor Feng Wei of Tianjin University has taken the lead in proposing to achieve the goal of both high energy density and power density of carbon fluoride materials by developing new materials with unique structures. After ten years of research, the team has pioneered the development of new fluorinated carbon materials in the world by subverting covalent fluorocarbon structures. The research results show that the energy density of the new materials developed by them is 2738 Wh/kg, which is 30% higher than that of similar foreign products, reaching the world's leading level, and working stably under the condition of large discharge current, realizing both high energy density and high-power density. This new type of fluorinated carbon material preparation technology marks China's successful advances in the bottleneck technology of ultra-high energy storage breaks through the decades-old technical blockade created by developed countries.

  “Currently, our team has realized the stable production of new fluorinated carbon materials, and has delved into scientific issues such as fluorination mechanisms, structural regulation, and electrochemical kinetics,” said Professor Feng Wei. “I believe that this ‘China Creation’ is expected to stand in the commanding heights of the global high-energy storage industry in the near future.”

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